Professional Audiovisual Guide ®

Professional Audiovisual Guide ® is the most complete directory of companies and professionals of the audiovisual world. How does it work? We have a platform where you can select a city and a sector to find the perfect person for the job, from a post-production assistant in Seville to a microfonist in Zaragoza.

We are a big help when you most needed

In this world, “it is for yesterday” sets the professional rhythm. This app is your perfect tool to access the most extensive network of professional and business contacts in a fast and easy way.

Professionals, you are welcome here

If you are an audiovisual technician, sign up in Guía Profesional Audiovisual ® app.

The sign up is free and you can appear in three different categories.

Companies, this is your place

If your company is linked to the audiovisual world this app is a must.

Sign up as a company, then you can contract direct advertising in the app.

Who are you and what do you do?

When you sign up yourself in the app as a professional give all your personal information and a detailed description of your activities, so you will be found fast

IOS and Android

Guía Profesional Audiovisual ® is available in Apple Store, Google Play and our web. We will be the reference for audio visual professionals.

Show up and shine

Being in the right place at the right moment is the key of success for professionals and companies.

Get in touch with new projects and new contacts. You are invited to be part of our directory.

Contact us


Download our APP for IOS or Android

Guía Profesional Audiovisual ®, available on download platforms such as Apple Store and Google Play

Download on the App Store
Descargar en Google Play

Sign up in Professional Audiovisual Guide ®

It is the key for companies and professionals to be part of new projects and establish new contacts.

From now on, you are invited to be part of the first “vademécum” of our sector.

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Guía Audiovisual Profesional



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